“mv */sbin/* */bin/”? (was: Proper shebang for python3)
(too old to reply)
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
2019-07-28 18:45:18 UTC
Eli the Bearded wrote:
Please post here using your real name.
Attribution _line_, not attribution novel.
That is some progress, hooray. Then there's just sbin -> bin to go.
I suppose in the olden days sbin was for static binaries, […]
No, “sbin” is short for “*system* binaries” which in general only the
superuser should be able to execute.
I think Michael is confusing "sbin" with the statically linked utilities
some systems (particularly older ones, but also FreeBSD in /rescue/)
have for repairing the system when things start to go bad. You'd want
a shell (sh is great), a basic editor (eg, eg), and a smattering of
other tools, akin to the ones listed as "must be in /sbin" in your
linuxfoundation link.
But more than a few utilities in /sbin are useful for non-superusers.
Eg ip or ifconfig for informational purposes like identifying current
IP address and getting MAC.
ACK. But what appears useful for a non-superuser can be viewed as
compromising system security, or opening ways to make that easier,
by superusers/system administrators.

Keep in mind that originally, and in fact still due to servers on the
Internet, the majority of Unices have not been/are not only used by one
person each which is both a non-superuser and a superuser of the computer

Which is why the above is a Very Bad Idea[tm].
Why? Programs that can *only* be usefully run by a privileged user
or in a system context (eg halt or getty) already *must* prevent non
privileged use. So why would it be a Very Bad Idea[tm] to have them in
a common directory like /bin/?
Because that a file should only or usually be executed by a superuser does
not imply that the owner of that file must be a superuser, or that it has
execute permission only for one superuser group or more, and vice-versa.

Also, it is easier to keep files that usually should only be executed by
a superuser in a separate directory, so that they are not immediately
available or listed to or for other users [e.g. in shell command resolution
(along PATH), in a directory listing, or in tab completion].
(Feel free to crosspost and set follow-ups to another group if you like.
But I would suggest *not* a Linux group, since this is something general
to all Unix-likes.)
ACK. X-Post & F’up2 comp.unix.misc.

Twitter: @PointedEars2
Please do not cc me. /Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail.
Keith Thompson
2019-07-28 19:43:02 UTC
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Please post here using your real name.
Attribution _line_, not attribution novel.
Please don't make up arbitrary nonexistent rules. Usenet has no real
name requirement, and there's nothing wrong with the attribution line
you're complaining about.

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) kst-***@mib.org <http://www.ghoti.net/~kst>
Will write code for food.
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
2019-07-28 20:12:08 UTC
Post by Keith Thompson
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Please post here using your real name.
Attribution _line_, not attribution novel.
Please don't make up arbitrary nonexistent rules.
I did not; I made a request.
Post by Keith Thompson
Usenet has no real name requirement,
But I have; it is called courtesy, a concept that apparently you are not
Post by Keith Thompson
and there's nothing wrong with the attribution line
you're complaining about.
*You* have *shortened* the original attribution line without marking the

Also, your claim is wrong; see for example


Finally, you should have directed your message to me via e-mail because it
is completely off topic. (Now that this cannot be helped anymore, my
counter-argument is posted here as well, of course.)

See e.g. <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1855>

Twitter: @PointedEars2
Please do not cc me. /Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail.
Keith Thompson
2019-07-28 21:12:34 UTC
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <***@web.de> writes:
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Finally, you should have directed your message to me via e-mail because it
is completely off topic. (Now that this cannot be helped anymore, my
counter-argument is posted here as well, of course.)

Good point. I'll reply by email.
Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) kst-***@mib.org <http://www.ghoti.net/~kst>
Will write code for food.
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */
Eli the Bearded
2019-07-29 06:40:27 UTC
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Please post here using your real name.
That is my nom-de-net for better than two decades.
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Attribution _line_, not attribution novel.
Says the guy who just (a) took this topic to a different group as I
suggested and (b) feels it necessary to have two separate "face" headers
with images in excess of a 1000 bytes. I use that attribution line
*because* things get crossposted and to make it clear the the context
I'm replying from.
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
That is some progress, hooray. Then there's just sbin -> bin to go.
ACK. But what appears useful for a non-superuser can be viewed as
compromising system security, or opening ways to make that easier,
by superusers/system administrators.
If it can "compromis[e] system security" it needs to check permissions
anyway. There is nothing stopping me using a non-privleged account from
trying to run anything in /sbin anyway.
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Keep in mind that originally, and in fact still due to servers on the
Internet, the majority of Unices have not been/are not only used by one
person each which is both a non-superuser and a superuser of the computer
Hey, guess what? I've been a shell customer of Panix for over two
decades and Panix fits some 1500+ subscribers (these days) on four
(these days) multiuser shell boxes. "who|wc" gives me 43 users at the
moment on this box. I know all about Unix as a multiuser system.
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Which is why the above is a Very Bad Idea[tm].
So why would it be a Very Bad Idea[tm] to have them in a common directory
like /bin/?
Because that a file should only or usually be executed by a superuser does
not imply that the owner of that file must be a superuser, or that it has
execute permission only for one superuser group or more, and vice-versa.
I don't see how that is relevant to my question.
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Also, it is easier to keep files that usually should only be executed by
a superuser in a separate directory, so that they are not immediately
available or listed to or for other users [e.g. in shell command resolution
(along PATH), in a directory listing, or in tab completion].
Easier? It's a Very Bad Idea[tm] because people find it easier or may
get confused? Even a system with just busybox installed will have
commands that I have never run or expect to run on my own systems or the
systems I get paid to tend (eg tftp). And fewer results for tab
completion is probably a lost cause. On my personal linux box, which I
don't consider to have a lot of stuff:

$ ls /usr/bin |wc
2410 2410 24453
$ ls /sbin |wc
188 188 1807

The panix NetBSD is much tighter:

$ ls /sbin |wc
148 148 1371
$ ls /usr/bin |wc
499 499 3425

Well, tighter if you don't count /usr/local/bin/ ...

$ ls /usr/local/bin |wc
6480 6480 82052

Which is the first directory on the standard system PATH.
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
ACK. X-Post & F’up2 comp.unix.misc.
It's not necessary to use high-bit characters in your text, either.

does not find "smart" quotes to be an improvement in any way
